7 benefits of nutmeg for healthy lifestyle

benefits of nutmeg

Short Note

The benefits of nutmeg have been the focus of some studies many decades ago, and still are. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) made their first appearance in scientific literature when Linnaeus first described its genus Myristica in 1742.

Myristica is a name derived from the Greek word ‘Myron’, which means a sweet fluid purified from the plant.

In Indonesia, the mace part of nutmeg is reported to have been used for reducing pain and to treat rheumatism.

Nonetheless, abusing or using nutmeg in excess could be detrimental to your health.

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Supplementation of many consumables

Nutmeg is used to constitute curry powder, chewing gum, syrups, candies, soft drinks and tea, or it can be supplemented to alcohol and milk.


Health Benefits of Nutmeg

1. Reduces Joint Swellings

To begin with, the anti-inflammatory properties of nutmeg oil can help lessen joint swellings and it is also serving in treating rheumatic fever.

2. Treat Diseases

Nutmeg’s rich antioxidants help prevent serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, and liver illness. Nutmeg oil is useful in fading out or breaking up kidney stones and provides relief from infections of the kidney.

3. Pain Reliever

In professional practice, nutmeg oil is used in dentistry for toothache relief because it contains eugenol. Hence, nutmeg oil is a potential chronic pain reliever.

4. Cures Skin Diseases

The benefits of nutmeg are also useful in cosmetology. When it comes to skin care, nutmeg helps diminish skin diseases such as eczema and scabies.

5. Aphrodisiac Properties

It has been confirmed that nutmeg is an excellent aphrodisiac. It was used to treat sexual dysfunction in men around the 18th century, and it also increases blood circulation, making it very useful in treating or controlling paralysis.

6. Mental Alertness

Nutmeg boosts concentration and rate of assimilation, by means of myristicin and elemicin compounds found in nutmeg that have soothing as well as stimulant properties on brain.

7. Diarrhoea Relief

Even though nutmeg aids digestion, it may also be used to cure and relieve diarrhoea. Nutmeg contains compounds that have carminative effects.

Note that nutmeg is best taken with cold water to cure diarrhoea.

Side Effects of Nutmeg

Nutmeg has a toxicological effect in human body, such as delirium, vertigo, weak pulse, hypothermia and nausea following ingestion.

In human beings, 5-30 g of the ground nutmeg is enough to cause psycho pharmacological effects.

This may trigger hallucination, and also the neurotoxicity induced in humans by myristicin may lead to traumatic brain damage and other neurological diseases.

Symptoms usually begin about 3 to 6 hours after ingestion.


It is recommended that you should not exceed 1 to 2mg a day! if you all you need are the benefits of nutmeg.

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