More than just Russia’s interests at play in Ukraine war — Pope Francis says

Pope Francis

Pope Francis said in a statement released on Friday that more than just Russia’s interests are at play in the conflict in Ukraine.

Francis said “imperial interests, not just of the Russian empire, but of empires from elsewhere” were the driving force for the struggle.

He said he would be willing to speak with Vladimir Putin of Russia to advocate for peace.

The pontiff was speaking to Italian Swiss television RSI, in an interview due to be broadcast on Sunday. Extracts were published Friday by Italian dailies La Repubblica, La Stampa and Corriere della Sera.

The pope has voiced his displeasure with the conflict’s ongoing daily escalation from the commencement. In the early stages of the conflict, pope said some influential figures were eager to prolong the war.

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He has often urged the two countries to make peace, but so far without success.

Pope Francis also said the politicians should examine their conscience before God, in the early stage of the conflict.

“I would like to appeal to those who have political responsibility, so that they may make a serious examination of conscience before God, who is the God of peace and not of war.”

